18 March: Early Bird Meeting Review

Posted by LP User on Tuesday, March 19, 2013 Under: Meetings
7 members and 2 guests gathered for another fun filled Early Bird Express meeting at the Windsor Gardens with Helen Burton taking the lead as Toastmaster of the day.  Nick Satchel treated us to his CC1 of comparing his life's journey to a hike; Debby Satchel shared with us how to grow our 'African Money Trees' in a lively CC6 and Ruth Cort enthralled everyone with an East African Fable in her AC5.

These short and sweet meetings continue to be a wonderful start to the week and we are now managing to slot in Table Topics before we finish off!


Nick & Debby Satchel
Evaluator: Verity Price
Table Topics: Ann Thomas

In : Meetings 

Please Note:

District 74
means the 9 countries of Toastmasters Southern Africa (approximately 125 clubs)

Division D means Namibia & the Western Cape of South Africa (approximately 30 clubs)

Area D1 means the 4 Toastmasters clubs in Fish Hoek, Tokai, Claremont & Newlands 




Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.
(Winston Churchill)

To be a person is to have a story to tell.
(Isak Dinesen)

"All the great speakers, were bad speakers at first."
(Ralph Waldo Emerson)